ExploreVM at VMworld 2017: Blogging, Podcasting, Speaking, & More!

The Summer is winding down, football season is closing in fast, and the days are getting shorter. It's that time of the year again: VMworld! Once again, I will be headed to the desert wasteland that is Las Vegas, Nevada to join a few (tens of) thousand(s) of my closest data center gurus for the conference of the summer! For the first time I will be attending as a blogger, which means I should be kicking out lots of content around announcements and products. Keep an eye here on the blog and Twitter for updates. I also have plenty of ExploreVM pins and stickers to hand out!

This year I will be presenting at the vBrownBag Tech Talks. These talks will be broadcast live Here, and posted to their YouTube channel shortly thereafter. The schedule for my sessions is as follows:

Two and a Half Free Tools to Help Troubleshoot vSphere Problems

Monday 08/28 1:30-1:45 Pacific

From CNC to VCP: A Journey of Professional Growth

Tuesday 08/29 1:30-2p Pacific

I will also have my trusty Tascam audio recorder with me at all times looking to lock down some interviews for future episodes of the ExploreVM Podcast. If you see me at any time and would like to chat, feel free to stop me! I've also signed up for 2 blocks of time in the VMworld Community Podcast Booths and would welcome anyone to join me for some sessions:

Tuesday 08/29 @ 2:00 - 3:00p Pacific

Thursday 08/31 @ 12:00 - 1:00 Pacific

Finally, for those attending VMworld and will be in town Sunday, I am running vHoldem Sunday night. The location is currently in limbo as I need to find a casino willing to work with our numbers, but follow vHoldem on Twitter as well as the vHoldem Eventbrite Page for updates. 

And as always, if you'd like to join the conversation, have any show ideas, or would like to be a guest on the ExploreVM Podcast, reach out to me on Twitter (@ExploreVM), Email, or on Facebook.


VMworld 2017 Recap: The Keynotes


From CNC to NTC: A Journey of Professional Growth